Are you a dupe of the fog between what you think you are doing and what you are actually doing for winnerful MLM recruiting?
Planning is important and preparation is key, but without execution, they are worthless. The truth is that preparation and preparation can become 'non-confronts', or things we do to keep from doing something that we don't want to do, like recruit...
The fastest way to nip this in the bud is to track your activity.
The fancy name for this is 'prosody', or a measure to see what your activity is and what the results yielded by your activity.
Metrics do two things that are keys to your winner recruiting for your MLM:
1- As expressed above, tracking your activity prosody will shine the light on whether you are actually doing activity that will produce income for your business. No income results form preparation and preparation. Income will only result when you talk to people.
If your metric tracking reveals that you are 'getting ready to get ready' then it's time to have a serious conversation with the individual in the mirror.
2-Tracking prosody will tell you what your ratios are. Or in other words, you'll see a pattern in what you do that results in income producing results.
Here's an example: You talk to ten people and one joins your MLM business. That's a ratio of 10%. That's powerful information because you now know what you have to do to get 5, 10 or 100 MLM recruits!
Don't spend overmuch time tracking your activity. It's easy to let it become other non-confront. A simple Excel spreadsheet is fine. If you can't set that up in few proceedings then skip it and use a piece of lined paper.
For winnerful MLM recruiting you need 3-5 daily methods of operation - 3-5 ways you expose your business to others. If you are new, begin with three and add more as you go along.
Here are few examples:
- Contact five people daily from your contact list or circle of influence.
- Reach resolute 5 new contacts on Facebook (just a message, don't 'friend' them until you build a bit rapport)
- Put out 100 flyers in your local area
I'm suggesting these methods, just exploitation them as an example.
Write "Contacts", "Facebook" and "Flyers" down the left side of the sheet and draw some vertical lines so you can track what you do each day. This should take 2-3 proceedings and a daily review other couple of proceedings, five proceedings total.
Off to the right of each line leave a space to make notes like "sale made" or "new distributor".
Final words of coaching: Think in 90-day cycles. There is magic in a 90-day plan.
The great Jim Rohn taught a great lesson: "Discipline your disappointment". It's unlikely that you will see results right away, but consistency will yield results. It's a universal law that never, ever fails. Remember that massive action equals massive results.