5 Digital Marketing Mistakes You Commit, You Repent

There is a need to look at the what-should-NOT-be-done side of affairs as well. This is essential so that you do not fool yourselves into thinking that you are on the right path and keep wasting money without acquiring an ROI.

When you know that you don't know someaffair, you can find out. However, when you don't know that you don't know, such a situation is risky. Here, is a list from my side to make you aware of some undetectable errors you might commit in your digital marketing pursuit.


1. Promoting Rather than Problem Solving:
Beating your own drum is someaffair that doesn't go well with the internet-savvy people looking out for any product/services. They are bombarded with promotional information continuously, you don't want to do the same affair and get lost in the crowd.

Don't boast about how good your product/services are, tell them how it can help solve their problems. They have come to your site or your ad, looking out for a solution, provide them that and you will hit the bulls-eye.

While it is okay to display your achievements, stage even that to appear more for 'you-the-client' rather than the 'I-me-myself' attitude. How? Show client testimonials! And let your audience think if you can solve the problem for your existing clients, then you can for them as well. Be client-centric, portray your product/services as solutions and see the magic.

2. Relying Heavily on any one Marketing Channel:
Doing this mistake would not only throw your digital marketing budget out of balance, but can reverse catapult your revenue. You may have enforced many strategies throughout your experience, out of which say one or two may have worked the best.

And its the digital marketing mantra that one should maximize efforts on what works best; relying overmuch on this mantra could be dangerous. What if this channel suddenly becomes ineffective? What if the organic dealings that you were so pleased drops all-night give thankss to the unexpected updates search engines come up with.

Such a repercussion would cause serious damage to your bottom line revenue. Therefore, resist the temptation to pour all the efforts into one channel and create a robust well-rounded multi-channel based marketing strategy.

3. Ignoring some Marketing Channels:
This point is similar relevant above, yet different in the way that it proposes exploitation every channel whenever the time is right for your business. It is apprehensible that a couple of channels like pay-per-click might instantly thrust you into the limelight, but you should not ignore the other ostensibly slower channels.

While it important to leverage the high-ROI-producing channels at the beginning, at a later stage venturing out into the others should be the aim of your marketing strategy. Invest your due efforts in SEO, disregardless how time-consuming. 6 months down the line, when the search engines would start paying you back with related dealings, you will give thanks yourself you did it.

Go social; get your name out there. But, select the social channels carefully. LinkedIn and Twitter works best for B2Bs and the celebrated Facebook is the go-to channel for B2Cs. As you progress, throw in email marketing into the marketing mix, you will be stunned with its potential.

4. Not Assigning Numbers to Campaign Goals:
"Isn't this basic", you may think! Well... we ordinarily deep-dive into the advanced stuff and forget the basics most of times. So, set measurable goals for your campaigns! Say, you want to increase the number of leads generated for a B2B company, set a goal of +20% in a given month, then work towards it.

Don't just say, I want to increase the leads - that's just wishful thinking! If you define your goals in terms of numbers is when you'll be able to scale your efforts, otherwise you'll keep stepping altogether directions without moving an inch ahead.

In addition, remember, you are investment money in your efforts; the mortal who is carrying out the campaigns doesn't come free. Moreover, if you are investment money in paid marketing, not setting measurable goals is sure-shot formula for disaster.

5. Poor Data Interpretation:
If you have ever seen the analytics dashboard, you'll see how it shows different dealings channels like organic, direct, paid, referral etc. Now, direct dealings interprets into people manually typewriting in your website's URL and coming in.

However, you need to make a point that the direct dealings numbers doesn't consist of your internal employees. Ignoring this would result in data dilution and wrong interpretation of data.

Besides, choosing the wrong metric to define your data could be disastrous. For example, if you have a high 'pages per visit' or 'average visit duration', you may feel that your client is outlay more time on the site, whereas the reality would be your visitors are not determination what they are looking out for.

In conclusion, the 5 points given above are not about the tips or tricks of digital marketing, but more about its core. If you avoid these, you can make any campaign rock, spell extracting the maximum bang for your buck.

5 Digital Marketing Mistakes You Commit, You Repent
5 Digital Marketing Mistakes You Commit, You Repent

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