Writing Review Articles And Getting Published

Writing Review Articles - How To Succeed

Many writers aim to be reviewers, but few can hump properly. Though writing review articles may seem like a dream job - being paid to see movies, listen to CDs, read books, attend the theatre, dine in restaurants, drive new cars or watch fashion shows - there are some unique challenges.


Editors take calls weekly from people locution that they'll be able to provide a world-class review of, say, a concert if the magazine will only organise a backstage pass for them. Don't hump because you'll look like an opportunist rather than a writer.


Writing Review Articles - Expertise Required

Reviewing jobs are about always the preserve of high visibility experts on a subject. The people who do reviews are asked to do so by editors because they are considered to be very practiced in a field, and the reader is able to associate their name with an expertise in a certain field. This authority gives their opinions weight in both the eye of the editor, and the eye of the reader.

It is very hard for a freelancer who is just starting dead set get a job reviewing for a publication, simply because they do not have the same reputation and authority, and it often takes years for mortal to build up this authority in the eyes of the reader and the editor.

Writing Review Articles - Build Up Authority

Well, how do you build up this authority, I hear you ask.

The best way to do this is to write for a particular publication on the one subject. For example, if you aim to be a film reviewer, then you may want to write articles and features - which let in facts and interviews and research, as opposed to straight opinion - for that magazine, and start to build up a relationship therewith editor and that audience.

Once you have done a number of articles, the editor (and the reader) will both recognise that you have a certain level of understanding in the field, so be prepared to allow you to review (or in the case of the reader, read your review patc attributing a certain level of authority to your opinion). As said, this is a long-term challenge for freelance writers who have just started out, but it is for sure not an impossible one.

On the other hand, reviews in magazines often attend former staff writers who've gone freelance, or people well better-known to editors, so be careful how you approach them.

Writing Review Articles - Temper Subjectivity

A review, essentially, is a critical examination of something that involves either extolment or condemnation. This, by its nature, is an extremely subjective process. After all, one man's music power sound to mortal else like cats fighting over garbage cans.

Therefore, the reviewer's subjectiveness should be tempered through the rather broad perspective that comes with experience and knowledge. Sadly, this is not always the case. While all magazines would like to say their reviewers have a superior understanding of their subject, many are staff writers who closely guard the privilege.

This makes it very hard for undeveloped reviewers to get started. If you are an aspirant film or TV reviewer, in particular, you'd best be served by following it as a hobby patc derivation your main income from other forms of writing.

Writing Review Articles - Define Your Niche

I would best that, if you want to write of theatre, for example, and have a real chance of being commissioned, that you think of how you can create more traditional articles around these subjects. For example, you power do a piece on how the shows have been received by a selection of fans, and whether it had lived up to their expectations.

For this you could interview people who attended the shows, besides as experts on the subject such as credible theatre writers, and theatre critics who may have seen the show. This would allow you to write of the subject whilst also giving the piece a grdine absorbing angle.

Reviewing is a very competitive field and writing review articles may not be the best place to start for a undeveloped new writer. If you feel notwithstandin that you can prove an overwhelming expertise in a particular field you should at to the last degree be prepared to give it a go.

Writing Review Articles And Getting Published
Writing Review Articles And Getting Published

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