4 Tips For A Successful SMS Marketing Campaign

SMS marketing can prove very lucrative. Yet, for it to be fruitful, you need to respect four basic principles that govern the SMS industry.

1. Market Segmentation

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Mobile devices are about 7.2 billion and they're multiplying five multiplication faster than we are. Most of them - if not all- are SMS enabled. Bearing this little piece of information in mind, every trafficker inevitably to know that unless the audience targeted is segmented, any SMS campaign  is condemned  to failure. It is of predominate grandness to distinguish your campaign's texts from spam SMS. All you have to do is integrate your SMS marketing campaign with the inevitably of your clients and carry out different strategies for every group.


2. Customer advocacy

The construct of focusing on what is best for the client is not new to the traffickers. As far as SMS campaigns are concerned, the client inevitably to know that he/she consented to receiving SMS online and was not just picked at random. For this reason, opting-in must be very clear and direct to the client. Usually, it involves either employing a short or long code to opt-in or subscribing via a web form. Client consent makes you trustworthy towards your clients and enhances their loyalty and reactivity to your 2-way SMS campaigns.

3. Personalization & timing

Sending text contents is not a privilege granted indefinitely. The client must not feel intrusion or disturbance, piece receiving a text content. On the contrary, the content inevitably to be anticipated. The best way to make a point positive reception is to keep up a not-so-overwhelming frequency and make the client feel unique when receiving a content. For example: "Ben! Tomorrow is your lucky day! Take advantage of the discount coupon for your favourite feeding place before it expires!". This way, the content is conveyed, you client feels special and you cut the risk of your content being labeled as spam.

4. Be pretty!

Like any other media-related campaign, your web to SMS content inevitably to be appealing and easy to remember. The use of slang or abbreviations will undermine the value of your brand and long or complex contents may avert the client even from reading through the entire SMS. URLs are not good-looking either, so in such cases where they are necessary, it is powerfully knowing use a URL shortened. Remember! A content that is easily maintained to the memory, increases the reactivity and positive reception of the next content.

In practice, there are far too many ways of utilizing SMS marketing to list, but to give you an example, here are few case studies of SMS marketing campaigns potential implementations.

4 Tips For A Successful SMS Marketing Campaign
4 Tips For A Successful SMS Marketing Campaign

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