Video Marketing - Interview Like A Pro

In today's multimedia world, your merchandising scheme has to comprehend a variety of activities. On top of blogs, articles and social media, you should also be look video merchandising

The problem is, few of us enjoy being interviewed. Authentic attractive with your audience is vital to the winner of your merchandising, which is why you have without doubt you're coming crosswise right in your videos.


It doesn't matter if you're presenting a new product, talking about a service or being interviewed as a substance expert, you have to be able to showcase your company's individualality (and yours).

How do you do that?


Your video has a purpose (it would be pretty pointless if it didn't).

Your audience is observation you because they have a need that has to be fulfilled, so make a point you give them what they want.

If your video just negotiation at them, telling them how great your company is, it will sink like a stone - no one wants to hear you bragging.

Instead, they want you to show them how you're going to make their life better.

Be yourself

You're an expert, but you still have a individualality.

Make sure you face the camera, so it looks as though you're addressing your audience directly. Relax and be yourself. Talk as if you were before of your audience hanging on your every word. Don't be stuffy, instead chat, be light-hearted, and above all inject some individualality into the interview and be yourself.


Customers are more likely to trust a individual than a brand, so make your interview real by offering real-life examples of your product or service in action.

Tell them about problems other customers have moon-faced you bet you've helped them. Tell them what the outcome was you bet you made a difference.

It's real stories such as these that convert people to buy.

Is anyone listening?

Why are you creating this video:

  • There's a news story everyone is commenting on, and you don't want to be left out
  • All your competitors are doing videos so you thought you should too
You customers aren't stupid. They'll know if you've just jumped on the bandwagon. Make sure you create videos that are germane to your audience, cover the material they want to know about, make your point then sign off.

Video merchandising is a great way to show people how your company can help them and the people behind the brand.

Video Marketing - Interview Like A Pro
Video Marketing - Interview Like A Pro

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